Is your child excited about climbing? Then let us teach them through our National Climbing Awards

We coach juniors aged 8-17 to become safe, passionate and experienced indoor climbers through two recognised National Award Schemes: NICAS & NIBAS.

What is NICAS & NIBAS?

NICAS (National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme)
NIBAS (National Indoor Bouldering Award Scheme)

Both schemes comprise 5 levels in total beginning at Level 1 for new climbers progressing through to Level 5 where climbers will have developed significant skills and knowledge to advanced level.

Our Nationally qualified climbing coaches teach students across all five levels of NICAS and NIBAS through regular sessions at Rockstar. Students receive a log book at Level 1 which records their progress through the levels with recognised certification upon completion of each level.

NICAS and NIBAS are both GCSE and Duke of Edinburgh accredited, meaning their climbing progress can count towards GCSE PE and Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE.

Here’s how our National Award Scheme sessions work

Our coaches combine NICAS & NIBAS together so students can progress both schemes simultaneously. Here’s how it works:

  • This is where it all begins! Our Level 1 sessions run as a six week course and open to any junior or teen aged between 8 and 17.

    No previous climbing experience is necessary but students should be excited about climbing and keen to learn new skills such as rope work, knots and belaying, as well as being happy to work as a team with coaches and other students.

    Level 1 is entirely focused on High Wall (rope) climbing and aims to build confidence on the wall as well as introducing belaying, knot tying, safety checks and essential communication skills.

    *Upon successful completion of this six weeks students will receive their NICAS log books and be awarded their NICAS Level 1 certificate and pass.

    *NICAS log book, Registration and Certificate are purchased seperately on our website.

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  • Upon a successful NICAS Level 1 pass, students are invited to begin NICAS Level 2 where they learn to consolidate and build on the skills introduced in Level 1.

    Students will now begin to log successful climbs to begin forming a progressive record of their climbing successes.

    Students will also begin Bouldering to develop their climbing technique. Students that wish can now also sign up to the NIBAS scheme and begin NIBAS Level 1 alongside NICAS.

    NICAS Level 2 is bookable as terms to coincide with school terms. Students will progress at their own pace and will be awarded their NICAS Level 2 certificate once all milestones are reached.

    NIBAS will also be introduced at this stage.

  • Upon a successful NICAS Level 2 pass, students enter Level 3 and a more advanced top-roping and bouldering award that focusses on developing technique and movement skills.

    This is aimed at ensuring our students possesses the knowledge and skill to climb and belay safely at any climbing facility (whether or not under supervision or with back-up) and operate in a responsible manner.

    Students who are also adopting NIBAS will continue to work on their Bouldering achievements across NIBAS Levels 1 to 3 during these sessions.

    NICAS Level 3 sessions are bookable in terms aligned with the school terms, and a pass at this level is broadly equivalent to a pass at GCSE.

  • Students who have progressed well in NICAS Level 3 and who have expressed an interest in learning how to lead climb can be invited by their coach to start attending our Level 3+ New Lead Climber sessions.

    This session is by invitation only and requires level 3 to be fully completed before participating.

    During our Level 3+ terms students will begin exploring the thrilling world of lead climbing and start to learn advanced climbing and belaying skills whilst under full management of our lead climbing coaches.

    Our Level 3+ sessions are term based to align with the school terms

    Once a student has successfully completed NICAS Level 3 and attended at least one term of Level 3+ New Lead Climber, their coach will then invite them to join our NICAS Level 4 Lead Climber sessions.

  • Students who have successfully completed NICAS Level 3, and who have attended at least one full term on our Level 3+ New Lead Climber, can now join NICAS Level 4 - Lead Climber.

    Level 4 concentrates on the skills required to lead climb proficiently. This level is aimed at students who are self-motivated and keen to take their climbing to the next level.

    Level 4 also incorporates advanced belaying skills as well as lead climbing skills.

    Bouldering forms a key part of lead climbing coaching as this is often the best way to develop a climber’s strength and technique. As such Students will continue to work towards NIBAS Levels 2, 3 and 4 as part of these Lead sessions.

    Sessions run in terms aligned with the school terms, so usually in 6 to 7 week blocks.

  • NICAS Level 5 is available to all students who have successfully passed NICAS Level 4.

    This top-level award focuses on improving performance, a deeper understanding of climbing systems and the wider world of climbing, as well as experience of local and national competitions.

    Students will spend a good proportion of time bouldering mixed with lead climbing to really develop their climbing into performance level and will receive individual training programmes developed directly with their coach.

    Through NICAS Level 5 students will also be able to continue their NIBAS levels 4 and 5.

    Sessions are bookable in terms to coincide with the school terms.

How to book!

Do you have a young individual who’s ready to join us on an exciting journey to become a confident, safe and knowledgeable climber? Yes? Then click the level below to book a term onto our National Award schemes.